Small Group Ministries
Chair Yoga
We have started hosting chair yoga classes. Check out our flyer or call the office for our latest classes. All are welcome no matter your experience.
Pub Theology
This event brings people from different ages (spanning 50 years) and backgrounds together to discuss faith and life in a fun and safe environment. Questions might be lighthearted or deeply theological. It just depends on the night and which question is drawn!
Bible Study
Pastor Megan leads a Bible study focusing on the scriptures for the following Sunday. We gather in the conference room on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10:00 am. The Spirit is always at work and our discussions lead us in fascinating directions each time we meet. No previous Bible knowledge is needed. Come with an open heart and mind, ready to learn.
Lutheran Men in Mission
Bethel’s Lutheran Men in Mission is open to men of all ages who want to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission is to strengthen the spiritual development and witness of men and to provide support to mission congregations throughout the South Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We fulfill our mission through camaraderie and service to Bethel and to our community. We meet on a quarterly basis and each meeting provides a wonderful meal and a devotion tailored to Lutheran Men. In addition to our regular meeting, Bethel Lutheran Men sponsor several annual activities such as the Congregational Fish Fry, Pancake Supper, and Ladies Night.
We encourage all men to join us for great food, Christian fellowship, informative speakers and Bible study.
Women of the ELCA America – WELCA
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the women of Bethel commit themselves to grow in faith, affirm their gifts, support one another in their callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. Their mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ and is organized around three areas:
Community events that include a fall conference, spring retreat, and ministry to shut-ins.
Growth events include monthly program meetings and a state convention.
Action events throughout the year including a love offering, Newberry College Women’s League, Seminary Auxiliary, and Heritage at Lowman representation.