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White Rock SC 29177


Please join us! The mission of our congregation is doing God's will, so all people can know His love and be transformed into His followers.



Worship is at the core of who we are as God's people. Many people make possible the worship that is shared together on Sunday mornings. Ushers welcome people and ensure they have a worship bulletin to guide worshipers in the service. Altar Guild members work behind the scenes to prepare the altar for Holy Communion or the font for Baptism. Volunteers (lectors) read the lessons. Choirs offer anthems and leadership of the music. Communion assistants help distribute the Sacrament. Acolytes light the candles and assist in receiving the offering. The Pastor preaches and leads worship. And all those gathered join hearts and voices together in praise and worship of God.

Typically worship at Bethel will include the following:

  • Confession and Forgiveness: Lutheran understanding is that everyone is a sinner and stands in need of God’s forgiveness and grace. Each Sunday the words of confession and forgiveness will be shared.

  • Bible Readings: Readings are taken from the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament, and one of the Gospels. Our scriptures are assigned by the three year rotation of the Revised Common Lectionary.

  • Children in Worship: The children are invited to come and sit at the front of the sanctuary to hear a special message meant for them. They may also be encouraged to come forward so they can be better able to see and participate in a baptism or to assist in a special blessing. Children light candles (acolyte), help with Noisy Offering on fifth Sundays, and are encouraged to participate in worship alongside the adults.

  • Sermon: The pastor’s sermon is related to one of the Bible readings for the day. It provides an opportunity for the pastor to talk about how God’s word impacts our lives.

  • Holy Communion: The Lord's Supper is celebrated each Sunday at Bethel in the joyful confession that our Lord gives us His very Body and Blood for the forgiveness of sins in this sacrament.

  • Prayer: Through our prayers, we communicate with God. Our prayers of joy, concern, praise and thanksgiving are all brought to God. We offer intercessions for those in particular need.

  • Creed: Reciting one of the ancient creeds of the church (usually either the Apostles or Nicene Creed) is an expression of our beliefs.

  • Hymns: Music is another of the many gifts we bring to God. Music is chosen as it relates to the theme of the day. A wide variety of hymns are sung in worship.

  • Offering: This is the time when we can give back to God a portion of the gifts God has so generously given us.

  • Blessing and Sending: Worship concludes with a blessing and a sending. Those who gather are always reminded that what is shared in this hour impacts our entire lives. We hear one last assurance of God’s guidance and love as we go out into the world to serve.

At Bethel, we strive to offer a worship service that fully engages your heart, mind and soul. Our worship seeks to build an experience of the presence of God in Christ where all are uplifted in spirit as well as equipped to serve God daily during the week.

We welcome all people to come and worship with us!


We welcome all as we gather for worship or fellowship and are certain you will enjoy your time with us. Should you be interested in becoming a member of Bethel please contact Pastor Megan Lineberger at 803-781-2134.